Meet Terrie Collins, the 2024 Milton J. Samuelson Career Achievement Award Winner!

For Terrie Collins, a recruiter with Alphapointe in Kansas City, MO, finding out she was the Milton J. Samuelson Career Achievement Employee of Year winner for 2024 came as a surprise.

“It was awesome! But then I was, like, what is it? How did I get it? I work because I like it, not for a goal or anything. I was kind of in awe,” Terrie added. “For me, I always think, ‘Am I deserving of this?’”

Terrie’s supervisor, Kristin Stephenson, senior manager of human resources (HR) for Alphapointe Kansas City, who surprised her with the nomination, would say yes.

“She goes above and beyond for our employees every day. Terrie excels at maintaining open lines of communication with all parties involved in the hiring process,” Kristin wrote in the award application. “Terrie is the key to the success of our recruitment of individuals who are blind. She recruited 21 people in FY2023, all of which would not have been possible without the diligent efforts she puts toward researching, networking, and recruiting individuals who are blind and want to work.”

Terrie calls her work “really rewarding.”

“From start to finish, I’m seeking out an individual who is low vision and getting them to the point of making a job offer,” she said. “I run into blind individuals, many who think they can’t work. But once I cross all the hurdles, they’re all in.”

Terrie is more than aware of why some people are leery of rejoining the workforce. She previously worked in a corporate setting, and when she began to experience vision loss, felt she had to conceal her condition. “But at Alphapointe, I’m comfortable with my disability. I don’t have to hide it. And I absolutely love working with people. As a recruiter, I can work with people from my own experience. Been there, done that.”

That’s because Alphapointe has brought Terrie full circle: she was recruited to work there herself.

Terrie first came to the agency in 2018 for rehabilitation services when she began to lose her sight. During that time, she was approached by a staff member who asked if she was interested in a position as a job placement specialist. She jumped at the opportunity.

“I was thrilled because I had an executive assistance background,” Terrie said. “I read resumes, did job research, and conducted mock interviews. I would go with a colleague to interviews.” It wasn’t long before Kristin noticed the work Terrie was doing and made her a part of the HR team in 2020.

As a recruiter, in addition to finding individuals to work at Alphapointe – focusing specifically on candidates who are blind or low vision – Terrie also guides them through every step of the process, from the first call to the moment when they receive a job offer. She also keeps in touch with those she hires. “I follow up with people,” she said. “Do they like it? Is there anything they need to talk about?”

She will even circle back and speak to people she’s tried recruiting in the past to see if something has changed in their professional journey.

Stephenson said Terrie never fails to lend a hand to colleagues. Terrie said it’s because she likes to be busy. “We’re all in this together, and I don’t like being bored,” she said. “My saying is, ‘Any little thing I can do to help, I’ll do it.’” And while Terrie doesn’t have a specific recruitment goal, it’s the individual, not the numbers that are important to her. “I just want to put people in jobs.”