Aneta Zawila-Jordan

Aneta Zawila-Jordan photo

Aneta Zawila-Jordan, Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Aneta Zawila-Jordan, vice president for Marketing and Communications at National Industries for the Blind (NIB), is a proven marketing leader with 20 years of experience dedicated to crafting innovative strategies to grow organizations and expand business across markets. Her professional journey spans not only the nonprofit arena, but also the hospitality, entertainment, and retail industries.

At NIB, she works with a dedicated group of marketing, communications, and events professionals to tell the organization’s story and increase awareness of its critical mission. Her core strengths also include developing marketing strategies that drive results and growth, increasing strategic partnerships, and reaching key audiences with the message of NIB’s mission and business capabilities.

Since joining NIB in July 2022, Ms. Zawila-Jordan has focused on expanding NIB’s brand recognition by educating stakeholders and key audiences about the interconnected relationships between NIB, the AbilityOne Program, and SKILCRAFT products. She has established trackable performance measures, increased awareness of NSITE, NIB’s workforce development enterprise, and expanded the reach of NIB’s internal and external communications through the 2024 launch of the innovative Heard & Empowered podcast. Ms. Zawila-Jordan spearheaded AccessTech, an accessible technology showcase featured for the first time ever at the annual Training Conference and Expo, and has directed NIB events and conferences that saw an attendance of more than 1,500 people.

Prior to joining NIB, Ms. Zawila- Jordan, who has an extensive marketing background, spent several years as chief marketing officer at yorCMO, held vice presidential roles in marketing and brand management, and worked for major companies including Ashley HomeStore and Busch Entertainment Corporation.

She served as a board member for Women in Technology (WIT), which helps advance women in technology through educational programming, formal mentoring programs, and informal networking WIT members at all levels of their career. Ms. Zawila-Jordan has also been part of WIT’s Mentor-Protégé program.

Ms. Zawila-Jordan holds bachelors and master’s degrees in Administrative Law and Public Policy from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland; a master’s degree in International Studies – American Foreign Policy from Old Dominion University, and a Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies, Management from Harvard University. She has also earned a certificate in Marketing Management and Digital Strategy from the Harvard School of Business and an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership from Harvard’s Kennedy School.