Zach Klipa

Headshot of Zach Klipa

Zach Klipa, Chairperson

Zach Klipa is a division chief in the Bureau of Audits at the Pennsylvania Office of the Budget, where he is responsible for the oversight of all audit engagement teams within the Special Audit Services Division (SASD). This division provides Pennsylvania state agencies with internal audit and review services aimed to help ensure compliance and operating effectiveness. The SASD also assists with the completion and issuance of the annual Commonwealth Comprehensive Financial Report and Single Audit Report. Additionally, in 2022 Mr. Klipa worked in coordination with the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office to help lead the statewide efforts to develop and implement the Commonwealth’s Enterprise Risk Management program.

Mr. Klipa is the former chairperson of the board of directors of VisionCorps, an NIB associated agency headquartered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  He earned his Bachelor of Arts in accounting from Bethany College.